Dang, I completely forgot about this thing. The last time I updated this was last summer?! When Ken was sick...well, they never did figure out what was wrong with him After a nine day hospital stay, his mysterious illness disappeared as quickly as it showed up. CT Scans, MRIs, ultrasounds, upper & lower GI...tons of tests and they had no answers. He's fine now, but it's scary not knowing what caused it because I'm afraid it could happen again. But he's seemed fine since then, so it must have just been a freak occurrence.
Anyway, here's life in a nutshell since last July:
Quick Disneyland trip
(I seriously about died when I saw Max)
Quick Six Flags trip
(and this one was quick, we drove out Wednesday morning and drove back Thursday)
(creepy motel was creepy)
Lots of football
(which ended in very disappointing fashion when Green Bay got whooped in the divisional round of the playoffs by the 49ers. :/ Moving on...)
Good times with family
(I got a lot of Packers stuff obviously, lmao)
Mount Charleston
(that's a baby deer! He's kinda hard to see, I didn't wanna get too close to him)
So besides that, not much else has been happening besides work and wedding planning. Ken got an AWESOME job at Zappos (still not sure how he pulled that one off, lol), and I'm so jealous cause all he talks about is how awesome it is. :)
The wedding's getting close! I'll put together another post soon about how all that is going and what we've done and still need to do.