How far along: 20 weeks!
Gender: Little GIRL!
Weight gain: I finally saw 150 on the scale as of yesterday. So about 2 lbs?
Maternity clothes: Most definitely. I'm wearing tights under all my old pants so I can just leave them unbuttoned and just fold the top of them over my pants.
marks: Not yet!
Belly button in or out: Still in, but both belly rings had to come out this morning. Sad day. The bottom one was ok but the top one was getting really irritated.
Sleep: Still waking up at night, and my hips hurt a lot in the morning.
Symptoms: The headaches seem to have subsided a bit. Heartburn has taken over. And I'm just EXHAUSTED. And oh the acne! I'm breaking out everywhere, face, arms, chest. It sucks. :(
Best moment this week: Feeling definite kicks! She's kicking hard enough that Ken can feel her from the outside! I've felt her kick my hand a few times too.
Miss anything: Coffee for sure. SUSHI! But I may give in and go get some next week (cooked stuff only!)
Movement: Oh she's rolling around in there for sure. She moves most at night when I'm laying down for bed. It's ok now, but I'm sure once she gets bigger I'm going to get woken up by her.
Cravings: Salt, salt, salt. And sushi lately. I'm dying for some!
Looking forward to: Next milestone, 24 weeks! Viability! Though she can keep on cookin in there for a few more months. I'll put together a post of the gender reveal party once I get my laptop up and working. I'm posting this from my work computer (I'm off the clock, lol).