Thursday, August 7, 2014

24 Weeks!

How far along: 24 weeks!
Gender: Little GIRL!
Weight gain: Still not much. About 4 lbs up from my starting weight. But! I did lose 8 lbs in the first trimester, so technically if I go from my lowest weight, I'm up about 12 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Oh yes. Even some of those don't even fit me anymore. Still haven't given in and bought maternity work pants so I'm still sporting maternity tights under my pants that I'm folding over the unbuttoned top. That's not even going to last much longer though.
Stretch marks: Nothing yet! *fingers crossed*
Belly button in or out: Still completely in. No signs of poppage yet! 
Wedding rings on or off: Still on. No swelling yet. 
Sleep: I wake up probably 3 times a night. Either to pee or because my hips are killing me. Turning over is becoming a chore, which I know is only going to get worse. 
Symptoms: Heartburn. Tums are my best friend. I actually couldn't even stand or sit up straight the other day because the heartburn was so painful. No bueno. Still breaking out everywhere. Round ligament pain. Mood swings aren't so fun either, for me or for Ken, lol.
Best moment this week: We registered this week! Well, I should say I registered this week. Ken didn't want much to do with it. I did it all online and it was so fun shopping for fun stuff for baby girl!  
Miss anything: Coffee, though I've given in and have had a cup here and there. Spicy food doesn't seem to agree with me much lately, which makes me sad. Usually, the spicier, the better!
Movement: She's definitely getting stronger. I'm starting to feel more than just nudges, I'm feeling like, multiple kicks at once or her rolling around. 
Cravings: Chocolate. Which is weird, I never really cared much for chocolate before getting pregnant. I was dying for chocolate chip pancakes last weekend. I made a whole batch and ate them for days. And I've been gorging on chocolate chip Poptarts daily. Not the healthiest but oh well. 
Looking forward to: Next ultrasound is 28 weeks! We'll get to see her again! And the baby shower! My sister, Nolen is planning it, and she's trying to keep most of it a surprise, so I don't know much about it! But I'm excited! 

We hit viability today! If baby girl decided to make her appearance today, she will have a really good chance of making it! Though she can just keep on cooking, please. Stay in the oven, bun!

At my last ultrasound (20 weeks), I was told that my placenta is laying partially over my cervix and that I have a "placental shelf." The tech said that most cases of this happening fix themselves, so that's why I'm having another ultrasound at 28 weeks to see if everything has moved up where it is supposed to be. If not, I'll have to have a C-Section, but I'm not too worried about it. All I care about is her getting here safely, so if you have to cut me open, so be it. We also found out that she is perfect in every way; arms, legs, and organs are all where they're supposed to be and she's measuring right on track! Still due Thanksgiving day. 

I'm still planning on making a post about the gender reveal party, so expect that sometime (hopefully) soon. :) 

1 comment:

  1. Squeeee! So fun! It's crazy how fast she'll make her appearance!
