Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Five months old

How is my baby five months old already?! When she was in the hospital, I could never had imagined this far into the future; we were going day by day and now she's almost halfway to a year! She is the most amazing baby ever. So sweet and so happy and she's getting more and more personality each day!

Adelyn at five months:
  • She is 15lbs 3oz and 27 in long. 
  • She is still fitting into 0-3 and 3 month clothes. Petite baby! 
  • She's in size two diapers.
  • She's still eating about the same, anywhere from 4-8 oz a feeding, depending on her mood. Sometimes she's in a wiggly mood and is impossible to feed so she'll get only like 4 oz in a 15 minute period before I give up. When she does that I just have to feed her more often. 
  • I'm still pumping. I made the decision that as long as I'm producing, she'll get the breastmilk. There's a lot of momma's out there who can't produce milk for their babies, so if I can do it, I should be giving her the breastmilk for as long as possible. So she gets breastmilk mostly and formula 1-2 times a day. 
  • She started getting rice cereal on a spoon on 4/12. We started it out really runny and she didn't really know what to do so the first try was very messy. We've thickened it up a bit since and she's gotten the hang of it and will open her mouth for the next bite.
  • We tried giving her some squash mixed in with her cereal this past Sunday. She doesn't seem to care for it much. I don't know if she doesn't like it or if the taste is just too unfamiliar. We're going to try carrots next and maybe come back to squash later. 
  • It seemed like she was starting to get frustrated with the level two nipples on her bottles; she was hitting the side of the bottle over and over, I think because she wasn't getting the milk fast enough. We started using the size three nipples on 4/14 and she's transitioned well. She sucks a bit too hard sometimes and will choke, or stop sucking and let the milk pool in her mouth (since the hole is bigger, it drips really fast out of the nipple) and either choke or spit it all out all over herself. But for the most part, she's getting the hang of it.
  • When you put the bottle in front of her face, she will get really excited and reach for it and pull it to her mouth, but as soon as it's in her mouth, she will let go of it. 
  • She's slept completely through the night a few times (almost 10 hours). Bedtime is strictly 8:00 pm, never any later. And she always sleeps until at least 3:00 am, sometimes later. Most nights she will fuss once or twice for her binky through the night, but there's been a few times where Ken will get up for work at 5:00 am and she hasn't woken me up once through the night, for her binky or to eat. And it feels incredible. If I didn't keep a sleep monitor on her, I'd probably freak out when she sleeps that long. 
  • Her daytime nap schedule is still everywhere. She almost always will take a morning nap between 7:00 am - 9:00 am, and one between 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm. But for the rest of the day she's all over the place. 
  • She got her four month shots a few weeks ago and handled it really well. She cried of course, but only for a few minutes. Once we got her home, she fell right asleep and took like a three hour nap. The next couple days she was a little fussy and feverish. We had to give her baby Tylenol for the first time which she hated. I think the taste freaked her out and she started crying when I squirted it into her mouth.
  • She's still a super happy baby. She had her first real meltdown a few weeks ago... She was super tired and just became inconsolable. She was screaming like I've never heard before. I'd put the binky in her mouth and she would just scream louder. Feeding her didn't work, rocking her didn't work, bouncing her didn't work, Orajel didn't work... I didn't know what to do. So I ended up giving in and giving her Hyland's Teething Tablets, which have belladonna in them to help relax babies and put them to sleep. Within ten minutes of giving them to her she's was out. And it made me realize how lucky I am to have such a good baby. I don't know how people with colicky babies or babies that just scream all the time handle it. That one 15 minute meltdown almost drove me to the brink and I'm so thankful she's not like that all the time.
  • She's bringing her feet to her mouth. She'll suck on her socks if they're on her feet so if she's in a kind of mood where she wants her feet in her mouth, I'll take her socks off. 
  • She's able to pick up toys off the bed to play with, If there's a toy in her eyeline, she'll turn towards it and reach for it and pick it up. 
  • She shows preference for toys and will throw them down if she doesn't want them.
  • She likes noise. A lot of time I will leave her wipes box close to her and if she can make her toy hit the box, she'll keep doing it over and over. 
  • She's able to manipulate a toy to put the part in her mouth that she wants. I have a couple toys that have crinkly stuff on them that she likes and if you give her the toy upside down, she's able to turn it around to get the crinkly stuff in her mouth. 
  • She can almost get her binky in her mouth herself. Most of the time she will put in in there wrong and I have to fix it, but she can pick it up off the bed and bring it to her mouth when she wants it. A few times the binky has just been sitting next to her and when I come back into the room, it's in her mouth. 
  • She's starting to become attached, especially to me. She will cry if she's left alone and some of the time, even Ken is in the room with her and she will cry until I come back. She'll be laying on the bed crying, and as soon as I pick her up, she will immediately stop and smile like crazy. 
  • She also knows how to fake cry for attention. No tears, and as soon as you pay attention to her, the "cries" stop and she will start giggling. She knows exactly what she's doing. 
  • She's started to laugh without provoking. Just laying on the bed, looking at the TV, she will just start giggling. It's precious. 
  • She's out of the newborn sling in her bathtub and can sit in the infant part, She still loves bathtime.
  • She's still in the pack and play next to the bed. I like having her within reach of me for now. We'll see how long that lasts. 
  • She talks like crazy. She will hum and go "mmmmmmmamamamama." I'm convinced mama will be her first word since she's already mastered the sound, she just needs to make the association later on. She squeals tons and has started blowing raspberries. 
  • She still has the cradle cap and eczema. 
  • She's scoots on her back all over the place. She can't be left on the bed alone anymore because she won't be where you left her when you come back. She hasn't gotten close to falling off yet, but the fact that she was in a completely different place than when I left her is scary. So into the pack and play she goes when we leave the room! 
  • She rolled from back to tummy for the first time on 4/20. And I missed it! I put her in her pack and play on her back to go get some breakfast and when I was done, I came back and she was on her tummy! Little turd. She's almost done it again a few times; she will get her entire bottom half flipped over but her arm gets caught underneath her. 
  • She loooooves peek a boo. She will crack up like nothing else. 
  • She can hold weight on her legs really well and for long periods of time. 
  • She isn't quite sitting unassisted yet. I'll sit her down with my hands around her and she'll sit for about three seconds before she flops over. 
  • Still no teeth! But I'm sure they're close as she's drooly as ever. 

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