Friday, August 28, 2015

Nine months old

Miss Adelyn Grace is 9 months old today! She is getting so much personality and I have a feeling she is going to be a little diva. We are in trouble!

Adelyn at 9 months:

  • She is 19 lbs 1 oz and 29 3/4 inches long.
  • She is in size 3 diapers and 9 month clothes mostly, but she's still fitting into some 6 month clothes. 
  • She's still eating solids three times a day mostly. I've started her on 3rd Foods from Gerber which has the chunks to get her accustomed to more solid stuff but she doesn't really like it much. The texture of it weirds her out I think. We going to talk to her pediatrician about giving her more table food at her next appointment. 
  • Her favorite foods are sweet potatoes, butternut squash, and pears. She also loves anything with those things in them, like sweet potatoes & corn and pears & zucchini. 
  • She's gotten french fries a few times, just little pieces and she loves them. Deep fried, salted potatoes? Why wouldn't she? 
  • She definitely prefers her bottle over any solid food. Her pediatrician wants us to wean her to 24 oz a day, which I don't think will be possible. As long as she's getting her nutrition, I'm not worried about it at the moment. 
  • She looooooves puffs! If I give her too many at a time. she gets so excited and will shovel them in to her mouth and end up choking on them. Thank goodness they melt pretty quickly. I have to give her only 3-5 at a time. 
  • She's finally holding her own bottle. But only if we make her. I have to hand it to her and let her pull it to her mouth. Sometimes she'll hold it with her hands and sometimes her feet like a monkey. If I take it from her, she'll drop her hands and just let me hold it for her. She's lazy. 
  • She dances anytime any music comes on; baby music, a commercial, something on Ken's phone, it's so cute!
  • She is a champion crawler. Sometimes she goes so fast, she tumbles forward and will face plant into the carpet, 
  • She will pull herself up on anything: the coffee table, couch, bed, walls... She can almost cruise along things, but isn't quite there yet. 
  • She went from sitting up on her own, to crawling, to pulling herself up onto her feet all within about a week of eachother. 
  • I have a strong feeling she is going to be walking within the next month. She got the pulling herself up thing down quick and can get onto her feet in no time flat. It's just a matter of time before she figures out walking.
  • My mom and stepdad bought her a walker, which she hasn't quite gotten the concept of yet but it's nice to stick her in when I'm getting ready for work since she hasn't figured out how to move it yet.
  • She can stand on her own for a few seconds. She's let go of whatever she's holding on to a couple of times and will stay steady for a few seconds before falling onto her butt. 
  • She will not. sit. still. Some days I'm counting down to her next nap because chasing her around the house is exhausting! 
  • She will give you something she has if you say, "can I see?" Then when I take it, I say, "thank you!" and she giggles. Then I give it back to her. 
  • She's starting to understand cause/effect better. I got her a little cell phone that does different things when you push different buttons and she knows how to press them to get it to make noise or play music. 
  • She understands the word no. She likes to go for the DVD's and I'll say, "Adelyn, no." And she pulls her hand back and looks at me. She'll usually go for whatever it is again, but she will stop when I say no. 
  • She's almost giving kisses. The other day, my mom took her little hippo rattle and went, "mmmmmmmmwah!" and had it kiss her and she started to go, "mmmmmmmm" and open her mouth when it was near. So cute. 
  • We haven't been able to get her wave yet but we're working on it!
  • Her bedtime is 7:00 pm. I usually start with dinner at 6:30 and have her in her room around 6:50 to get ready for bed. She gets dressed and a bottle by 7:00 and is out by 7:15 most nights. Since she's teething, she's been a bit tougher to get down at night and it can take longer, but she's usually completely down by 8:00 if she's having a rough night.
  • She is sleeping full time in her room. I've even gotten rid of the diaper monitor at night. Most nights she sleeps straight through until about 5:30 am. Lately she's been waking up once or twice a night fussing for her binky but usually she will go right back to sleep once she gets it. A couple of nights I've had to rock/feed her back to sleep but I'm blaming it on the teething. 
  • On that note, she is so close to breaking more teeth. She's been teething like crazy the past couple weeks but nothing has broken through yet. She's been super drooly, sucking on her hands and super clingy. 
  • She's finally developed a nap schedule. She usually takes one morning nap a couple hours after she wakes up and will take either one long three hour nap or two small one hour naps during the rest of the day.
  • She prefers anything that's not a toy over the millions of toys she has. She will take a cell phone, water bottle, baby monitor, notepad, etc. Her favorite non-toy is a pack of tic tacs. It makes a great rattle! 
  • Her blonde hair is out of control. She really needs a haircut but I don't want to do it before her first birthday. It's super long in the front and covers her eyes if it's brushed down. 
  • She looks more and more like Ken every day. She has my eyes though!
  • She still loves bathtime. She will actually cry when I take her out of the bath.
  • Still no definite words, but lots of babbling. "Mamamamama" "babababababa" and"dadadadadadada" are her favorite but she isn't associating them with anyone or anything. 
  • She is still super attached to me and will cry if I come home from work and don't give her my immediate attention. 

1 comment:

  1. Such a cute little nugget! Please have at least 7 more. ♡♡♡
