Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Two months old

Miss Adelyn Grace is two months old today! I can't believe it! I really have a two month old? Time is going by way too fast! Ken said to me the other day, "can't she just stay like this forever?" I feel like I'm going to be doing her one year post in no time!

Adelyn at two months old:
  • She's 10lbs 13oz and 24in long. 
  • She's in size one diapers and still in newborn onesies/clothes.
  • She's put herself on a pretty good sleep schedule. I start getting her ready for bed at 8:00 pm. She gets a bath every other night. After her bath or on days she doesn't get a bath, she gets lotioned up, a new diaper and onesie and a bottle. She usually dozes off drinking the bottle, at about 8:30 pm. She'll sleep for about a half an hour, wake up, fuss a bit, and fall back asleep between 9:30 pm - 10:00 pm after popping her binkie back in her mouth a few tines. She sleeps til between 3:00 am - 4:00 am, has a bottle and a diaper change, and goes right back to sleep until 7:00 am. Diaper change, bottle, and back to sleep until 10:00 am. Like clockwork. She rarely deviates from this schedule. Waking up once during the night? I'll take it! Twice she's slept for 7 1/2 hours at once, which was great, but I'm not getting my hopes up that this will become habit.
  • She loooooves her binkie. The only ones she'll take are the green Soothies we got from the hospital. Thank goodness the nurses gave us a ton of them before we left. If she's fussy, most of the time, a bink in her mouth will calm her down. I'm not worried about this right now, we'll deal with binkie addiction once she's a little older. Right now I just think of them as my savior. 
  • She's still a horrible napper. Most days, I can only get her to take a few 20 minute naps throughout the day. She'll fall asleep pretty easily, but won't stay asleep for longer than 20 minutes. Every once in a while, I'll get lucky and she'll take a 45 minute - 1 hour nap, but it doesn't happen often. This usually leads to a meltdown at about 7:30 pm when she's just exhausted, Makes her sleep well at night though, 
  • She's still a very happy baby. She's very content and super smiley and talkative when she's full, has a dry diaper on and well rested. Once she gets hungry or needs a diaper change, she'll fuss a bit, but it's still not too bad, She really only cries when she's overtired.
  • She's smiling like crazy and is super close to laughing. She's actually smiling in reaction to things now. When she sees me in the morning when she wakes up she gets the biggest smile on her face and it just melts my heart!
  • She still has tons of wild, blonde hair. She's growing a mullet in the back. It's long!
  • She has a bit of baby acne. 
  • She still doesn't like being swaddled. Though she tends to startle herself awake when she's napping, so it's kind of a lose/lose situation. 
  • She holds her head up really well. When she's up on my shoulder, she'll hold her head up and look around at everything. She can't hold it up for long, but she's really stable when she does. 
  • Her eyes look like they're going to be brown. The one thing she got from me! 
  • She's eating 3-4 oz every 2-3 hours. I'm still pumping so she's getting breastmilk every other feeding, sometimes more. She'll eat 5 oz sometimes so I may start upping her feedings soon. We officially gave up on breastfeeding so she just gets breastmilk in a bottle.
  • She likes to suck on her hands. If her binkie isn't in her mouth, her fingers are. 
  • She poops every time I put her in her bouncer and turn the vibration on, lol.
  • Her belly button is still popped out. She may end up with an outie!
  • She's started to drool like crazy. I hope this doesn't mean early teething. Eek!
  • She still rarely spits up. She'll give a good burp with every feeding but hardly ever spits anything up. 
  • She's still not big on tummy time. She'll rub her face back and forth on the blanket and whine until I turn her back over. She doesn't tolerate it long so we don't get to do it much. 
  • She's getting a bit of cradle cap, which sucks. She's gonna have super sensitive skin like me, I can tell already. 
  • She hates having her clothes changed. She can be in the best mood, until I pull a onesie over her head, she will melt down. 
  • She loves to cuddle. Her favorite place to fall asleep is on my chest. 
Here's a picture overload from the past month!

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