Saturday, February 28, 2015

Three months old

Miss Adelyn Grace is three months old today! She's growing way too fast; the time is just flying by! I try to imagine life without her now and can't remember what I did with all my time before having her. She's definitely fits in perfectly in our little family!

Adelyn at three months old:
  • She is 12lbs 8oz and 25 inches long.
  • She is in size one diapers and finally in three month clothes. She's officially outgrown her newborn clothes and I may have shed a tear or two when I was packing them away.
  • She is still the sweetest baby ever. I told Ken we got really lucky with her. She rarely cries. When she's hungry, she'll let out little whines and yelps rather than cries. Even when she's tired now, she'll start to whine a bit until you put a binkie in her mouth, and she'll fall right asleep. The only time we really hear her cry is if she gets scared (the dog barking, either of us yelling, etc). She's such a happy baby 95% of the time. All smiles and coos. 
  • She's still such a chatterbox. She loves to talk and will hold a conversation with you, with pauses and inflection and everything. It's precious.
  • She's still on the same sleep schedule. Goes down between 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm, sleeps until between 3:00 am - 4:00 am, eats and goes right back down until 7:00 am. 
  • She's still on a really irregular nap schedule. Some days she takes several 20-30 minute naps and some days she'll just sleep on and off all day. I don't try to keep her on any schedule, I let her sleep when she wants. Her little brain needs to develop!
  • I can tell she's ready for a nap or bed when she starts rubbing her face and eyes.
  • She found her hands and has started focusing on them when they get in front of her face, She did this for the first time on February 8th.
  • She laughed for the first time on February 8th. I was ticking her and just out of nowhere, she started giggling. I yelled for Ken to come into the bedroom and he grabbed my phone and started filming her so we got her first laughs on video! It was the sweetest little sound ever. I've only been able to get her to do it a handful of times since then and every time I bust out my phone to tape it, she stops; the pink case on it distracts her. So I haven't been able to get it on video again. 
  • She got her two month shots on February 3rd. She handled it well. She cried of course, but a couple cuddles from me calmed her right down. She slept most of the rest of that day and didn't really even develop a fever.
  • She was in only the 30th percentile for her weight at her last check up, so the pediatrician started having us put two teaspoons of rice cereal in her bedtime bottle.
  • The rice cereal constipated her a bit for the first couple weeks; she once went three days without a poop. But she seems to be back on a normal schedule now and is pooping 1-3 times a day. And my goodness do they stink. 
  • She's eating about six oz every three hours, sometimes more.
  • I'm still pumping but now that her demand has gone up, she's getting more formula. I used to be able to keep up with her for the most part but now that she's eating more, it can take me 2-3 pumps to get enough for one feeding. I'm starting to think about when I want to stop pumping; now that I'm back to work, it seems like it's more hassle than it's worth. As long as she has a full belly, that's all that matters and she sucks down the formula just as fast as the breastmilk and tolerates it just fine. 
  • She's onto level 2 nipples on her bottles, which have a faster flow. She choked a couple times the first time she used them, but she's doing great with them now, and it's cut the time it takes to feed her in half. 
  • She's really started focusing on things at a distance. 
  • She gets hiccups at least once a day. 
  • She still rarely spits up. 
  • She has started bearing weight on her legs if you hold her upright in a standing position. 
  • She has started putting her hands around her bottle like she wants to hold it when she's eating. 
  • Her baby eczema is getting worse. She gets it on her face, and recently she's started developing it on the backs of her arms and legs as well. I put 1% cortisone on her twice a day, as well as Aveeno Baby Eczema lotion. It seems to help. 
  • She still had cradle cap. 
  • She loves bathtime. 
  • She has started to reach for toys you put in front of her face, but doesn't have the hand/eye coordination to actually grab them yet. If you put them in her hand, she will grip them and bring them to her mouth. 
  • We think she might be starting to teethe already. She's super drooly and always has her hands in her mouth. 
  • On that note, she loooooves to suck on her hands. 
  • Now that I'm back to work, she is getting watched by family four days a week. Ken is off Saturday/Sunday and I'm off Sunday/Monday so she's covered for those three days. My mom comes over to watch her Tuesday/Wednesday, which is awesome because I work on property so I can come up and see her whenever I want. She goes to Ken's grandparent's house Thursday/Friday. I may have cried when Ken left with her for the first couple weeks. I think I'm over it now though, and now I use the extra time in the morning to get a couple extra hours of sleep or get some stuff done around the house. 
Here are some pictures of Adelyn's third month!

She can blow a diaper UP.

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