Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Eleven months old

Miss Adelyn Grace is eleven months old today! I can't believe we're going to have a one year old next month! She is still the sweetest and most amazing baby and we love her so much!

Adelyn at 11 months:
  • She is 20 lbs 6.5 ox and 31.5 inches long. 
  • She is in size 4 diapers and 9-12 month clothes for the most part. There is still some 6 month stuff she fits into but she's in 9 month stuff mostly.
  • She is still sleeping through the night great, from 7:00 pm - 5:30 am most nights. She's had a few nights lately where she's been up in the middle of the night but I blame it on the teething. She's got teeth coming in like crazy. 
  • On that note, she has 5 teeth; three on the bottom and two on the top, with 2 more breaking through. 
  • She went from seeming like she would like everything when we first started giving her solids to being super picky. She loves pancakes, french toast, macaroni and cheese and she has to be in the mood for scrambled eggs. I've tried giving her raviolis, buttered noodles and the 3rd foods from Gerber with the chunks and she wants nothing to do with them. She still loves her purees though, her favorites still being sweet potatoes, squash and pears. 
  • She still gets a 7-8 oz bottle when she wakes up and a few 4 oz bottles throughout the day to top her off after meals.
  • She can take 2-3 steps before falling onto her butt but she can cruise and crawl faster than we can keep up with her. 
  • She still loves bathtime! 
  • She can wave "bye-bye."
  • She loves to give kisses, though her version of it is almost smashing her head into your face. You say, "can I have a kiss?" and she pushes her forehead into your face. 
  • She is a little diva when she doesn't get what she wants. 
  • When she gets really worked up, she will break out into hives on her face.
  • She will imitate things: kissy noises and words like "baba" "dada" and "mama." I think she knows what baba is and maybe what mama is, but it's hard to tell. 
  • She gets into everything. One of her favorite things to do is pull all of her diapers out of her bag and spread them around the room. 
  • She is in the midst of her first cold, but she is handling it like a trooper! 
  • She is finally getting the hang of the sippy cup and loves pear juice.
  • She knows what "feets" are. I'll say, "Adelyn, where are your feets?" and she grabs her feet. We're working on nose next. 
  • She knows how to do "touchdown!" She will put her arms up in the air when we say "touchdown!"
  • She is still super addicted to her binky. At any given time she's got at least two. 
A lot of the stuff from last month is still the same so I don't have a lot of new stuff for this month, but here are lots of pictures!

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