Friday, December 18, 2015

One year!

Miss Adelyn Grace is one year old! I can't believe it! It feels like just yesterday she was born... This year has just flown by!

Adelyn at one year:
  • She is 22 lbs and 32 inches long. 
  • She is still in size 4 diapers and mostly 12 month clothes.
  • She has eight teeth but I think there's more coming in somewhere I can't see.
  • She loves to eat, but can be picky. She loves pancakes, waffles, watermelon, sweet potatoes, strawberries, french fries, ice cream, cantaloupe, and pizza. She's not big on being fed, and likes to feed herself. So she won't eat purees off a spoon anymore, but will suck them out of a pouch if you give the pouch to her. 
  • She loves pear juice and water. She also loves root beer and lemonade in the very small amounts she's had them in, lol.
  • She's still on the bottle, but will drink juice out of a sippy cup. We're working on weaning her off the formula. She's getting half formula and half whole milk now, and as this last can of formula runs out, we'll give her more and more milk. Once she's fully on milk, I'll probably work on weaning off the bottle, except at bedtime. It's just way easier to get her to sleep with her nighttime bottle. We'll see. 
  • She has so many toys it's ridiculous, but she still prefers to play with water bottles, wipes, lotion bottles and pieces of paper. 
  • She's sleeping great. I've successfully moved her bedtime to 8:00 pm instead of 7:00 pm and she'll usually sleep until between 6:00 am - 7:00 am. We put her in her crib, give her a bottle and turn off the lights, and she's usually out for the night within 10 minutes.
  • She's usually takes her morning nap about two hours after she wakes up and her afternoon nap about 3-4 hours after waking up from her morning nap. So her naps are usually at 8:00 and 1:30 roughly. 
  • She knows where her nose, ears and feet are, and knows that shoes and socks go on her feet. 
  • She can say lots of words including mama, daddy, baba, preeee (pretty), gie (doggie), hi, tree, and beee (binkie).
  • She is running everywhere and can get herself into a standing position without the help of anything. 
  • She know what a doggie says (woof), what a monkey says (ooo ah ah) and what a lion says (rawr).
  • She will tell  you she doesn't want something by waving her arm back and forth and scrunching up her nose. There's usually a whine involved too. 
  • She has learned to hit, I'm not sure from where. Ken thinks it's funny so when he laughs, she thinks it's ok to do and keeps doing it. Not good, lol.
  • She's been getting really bad diaper rash, so bad we've had to get a prescription cream for it. It comes and goes but her poor butt will get so red and raw that as soon as you take her diaper off, she starts to cry in anticipation of the wipe. 
  • Her skin is so sensitive (hence the diaper rash). She gets really bad eczema patches on the backs of her arms and her thighs and on the back of her neck, she scratches so hard she makes herself bleed, so she had scratch marks all between her shoulder blades. I try to keep cortisone on the patches and use Eucerin 24 hour lotion and it seems to help. 
  • She still has a serious binkie addiction. It's gonna be rough breaking her from it. 
  • She still loves bathtine. When the water is running she'll run into the bathroom and put her hands under the water and rub them in her hair likes she's "washing" it. 
  • She goes "ooooooOOOOOOOOooooooo" when she likes something visual and "MMMMMMMMMMMMMM" when she likes the taste of something.
  • She knows how to brush her hair and give high fives, Working on blowing kisses. 
  • She can play the guitar. Not chords or anything, but she knows how to strum her fingers across the strings to make noise and if you give her a pick, she will strum the pick across the strings too. Her Nani and Papa got her her own pink guitar for her birthday so she'll be playing it in no time. 
  • She knows how to put money in her piggy bank. 
  • When she wants you to have something, she will grab your hand and put whatever it is in your palm. 
  • She demands your attention 100% of the time shes awake. If I look at my phone, she will come over and try to hit it out of my hand. I really can't get much done when she's awake. 

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