Saturday, March 28, 2015

Four months old

I really can't believe I have a four month old. Where has the time gone?! It really does seem like just yesterday we were bringing her home and now she's like, a little person! She has a little personality and smiles and giggles and actually interacts with us now. I love her more and more every day. Sometimes as I'm feeding her, I'll just stare at her and marvel at how amazing she is.

Adelyn at four months old:

  • She's 14 lbs and 26 1/2 inches long.
  • She's still in size 1 diapers and 3 month clothes. She'll still fit in 0-3 month and 3 month but not 3-6 month quite yet,  
  • She's still eating every three hours or so, anywhere from 4-8 oz at a time. Depends on her mood. She's still getting cereal in her nighttime bottles.
  • I'm still pumping every three hours, so she gets mostly breastmilk. She usually gets formula in the morning after she wakes up for the day and in her nighttime bottle (since I add cereal to that, if she doesn't finish it, I can just toss it. I don't throw away breastmilk if I can avoid it). I'm still not sure how long I'm going to pump for. I don't feel guilty giving her formula, but I feel guilty not giving her breastmilk. So I'm going to try to do it as long as I can. I was thinking about quitting once she starts solids. I'll have a good freezer supply by then so she'll still get the milk but it'll last longer since she'll be getting cereal and baby food as well.
  • Still rarely spits up. I got lucky with a non refluxy baby. 
  • Her sleep schedule is about the same. She goes down between 8:00-9:00 pm and sleeps until about 4:00 am. She'll eat and go right back down until about 7:00. She'll eat again, then usually fall back asleep around 8:00 am and sleep until 9:00 am. Besides that, her nap schedule is pretty all over the place. Nothing during the day is set at all. 
  • She's reaching for things and putting them in her mouth. She will reach for toys and bring them straight to her mouth. She'll pull bottles to her mouth too, but won't hold them there yet. 
  • She's definitely teething. Her bottom teeth are super close to breaking through. She drools like crazy and loves gumming toys, my fingers, and her own hands. We've had to give her Orajel a few times to calm her down but haven't had to give her teething tablets or anything yet. I don't like medicating her if I don't have to. We have the tablets if she needs them though. 
  • She loves refrigerated teethers but doesn't like frozen teethers. The cold is a bit too intense for her. 
  • Her favorite toys are her Nuby multicolored teether and her Sophie the giraffe, When we squeak that giraffe she goes nuts and smiles and kicks like crazy.
  • I think she's going to be left handed. She always reaches for things with her left hand first.
  • She rolled over from tummy to back for the first time March 20th. She did it, I turned her back over and called for Ken to come in and get my camera ready, and she did it a second time before he could see her or I could get the phone out. And she hasn't done it again since, haha. 
  • She's found her feet. She will constantly pull her socks off and pull her feet up to her chest. She hasn't gotten them into her mouth yet though. 
  • She has a huge bald spot on the back of her head. Sad. She still has tons of hair on top of her head though. I'm sure once she's not sleeping on her back all the time it will grow back. 
  • She's still super happy. Always smiling and laughing. She only really fusses when she's tired or gets too hungry or her gums hurt. She's had a few nighttime meltdowns when she hasn't napped well but some Orajel and some cuddles usually calm her down pretty quick. 
  • She still has the baby eczema, on her face, arms and legs. She gets a rubdown of Aveeno Baby eczema therapy lotion after every bath and hydrocortizone on problem spots. 
  • She can finally be a hip baby! She has enough head control that I can pop her on my hip and carry her around with one arm. 
  • She hates being in a carrier. I bought a Moby and a standard carrier and she hates both. As soon as I get her into either one, she starts screaming. 
  • She loves attention. If one of us isn't paying attention to her, she will whine and let out little squealy screams until one of us looks at her. Then she'll kick her legs and get the biggest smile on her face, It's precious. 
  • She loves people. I haven't met anyone that she won't give the biggest smiles to. We're going to have to warn her about stranger danger when she's older cause she's such a love bug. 
  • She tolerates her car seat. She'll usually fall asleep in it and be ok for a while in it, but if you leave her in it for too long she will scream bloody murder. 
  • She still loves bathtime. Last night, she was having a bit of a meltdown because she was tired, and as soon as I put her in the warm water, she calmed right down. 
And of course, here are lots of pictures of Adelyn's fourth month!