Sunday, June 28, 2015

Seven months old

Miss Adelyn Grace is seven months old! She is still such an amazing baby and is getting more and more personality. She is so much fun and puts a smile on my face every time I look at her.

Adelyn at seven months:
  • She is 17 lbs and 27 inches long. 
  • She is still in size two diapers and six month clothes. Depending on the brand, some of her 3-6 month clothes still fit and some 6-9 month clothes fit. 
  • She is eating 7-8 oz per feeding, usually about 4 times a day, maybe more, depending on how much solid food she eats. She's still getting both breastmilk and formula. 
  • She's eating solid food twice a day, usually fruit in the morning and veggies at night. Her favorite is sweet potatoes. She also likes carrots, peas, green beans and strawberries. She'll tolerate pears and squash and doesn't like prunes, peaches or bananas. We're going to keep trying with the fruit and hope she starts developing a taste for them soon. We usually mix her food with oatmeal to thicken it up and give it more sustenance. We used to mix it with rice cereal but it makes her super constipated now so we switched to oatmeal.
  • She loves Gerber puffs. Sweet potato puffs are her favorite of course, but she also weirdly likes apple and banana puffs. We'll put a handful on her highchair and she'll almost shovel them into her mouth. She gets angry when they're gone and will bang her hands on her highchair until we give her more. 
  • Sometimes when I'm giving her a fruit she doesn't particularly like, I'll bribe her with a puff and she'll open her mouth and I'll sneak a spoon in. This will work for quite a while... I'll usually give her the puff as a "reward" for eating her fruit after a couple of bites and I can almost get her to finish a bowl most of the time. It works cause the puffs are pretty nutritious as well so she ends up with plenty of solid food in her tummy either way. 
  • She always gets topped off with a bottle after each solid feeding. 
  • She seems to almost prefer formula over breastmilk. She will almost always finish a formula bottle, but it often takes her several feedings to finish a breastmilk bottle. I don't know if the breastmilk is more fatty so she's gets full faster or what, but it's weird. 
  • I'm on my way to stopping the pumping. She's getting plenty of solid food and likes/tolerates the formula just fine, and I want my body back, so I'm weaning myself down. It's time. She's seven months old and I've been exclusively pumping since she was born and I'm just sick of it. I have a good freezer supply too so she'll still get it for a while after I stop. I'm down to three pumps a day (from seven when she was born), so it's a slow process but I don't want the engorgement or risk getting mastitis so I'm weaning slowly. 
  • She's sleeping completely through the night for the most part. She's asleep by 7:30 pm most nights and will usually sleep straight through until about 6:00 am. Sometimes earlier, sometimes later . But she averages about 10 1/2 hours straight per night. Sometimes she'll fuss for her binky and if she can't find it herself, I"ll have to get up to give it to her but she falls right back asleep. 
  • She's still sleeping in her Pack & Play next to the bed, Partly because I'm crazy and still want her close to me, and partly because since we've moved, her crib hasn't been put together yet. Once we get it put together, I'm open to starting naps in her crib, then we'll transition her to her crib slowly. I have taken out the bassinet part of her Pack & Play though, so she's on the mattress on the bottom. She's getting very mobile and I'm afraid she's going to pitch herself out in the bassinet. 
  • Her nap schedule has improved. She usually takes two long naps a day, anywhere from 1 1/2 hours - 3 hours. Then she'll take a short late afternoon nap. She seems to nap best on our bed; I think it's because she can smell us. We'd make her a little nest out of pillows so she couldn't roll of the bed and put her in there and she'd sleep great. I'm not too comfortable doing that for much longer because she is getting so mobile I don't want her getting over the pillows and falling off the bed. 
  • I've sort of been sleep training her. When I feel like she's ready for a nap, I just put her down, either in the "nest" on the bed or in her Pack & Play and leave the room. Most of the time, she will go right to sleep on her own. Sometimes she'll cry for a few minutes then fall asleep. Every so often she'll scream and I'll have to go comfort her, but for the most part she realized that when she's put down in the dark room, it's nap time. 
  • She's a tummy sleeper. I put her down on her back to sleep but almost every time I check on her, she's flipped onto her tummy. 
  • She's rolling all over the place. You can't keep that kid in one place. 
  • She's not crawling yet but when you put her on her tummy, she will scoot backwards. She's almost reverse army crawling, haha. 
  • She can sit up on her own for a good amount of time. She's not quite steady enough to stay upright when she reaches for a toy, but if she's content with what's in her hand, she will sit up for a long time. 
  • She'll hit things she doesn't want. If you offer her a toy she's not interested in, she'll hit it. Same with her bottle if she's not hungry anymore, she'll hit it away or she'll grab it and push it away from her face while she "talks" to it. 
  • She'll bounce on her feet if you hold her in a standing position. 
  • She is super talkative. She'll have a conversation with you with inflection and everything. 
  • She laughs at just about everything. 
  • She pants like a dog when she's excited.
  • She's almost waving. She's done it a few times, and I'm not sure if she knows what she's doing but it's super cute. 
  • She has two teeth! Finally! Her two bottom teeth came in almost one right after the other. We spotted one and within a couple days the second one was there. She's still been very happy despite teething. 
  • She's clapping. Every time she starts to clap, we will say, "Yayyyy!" And she's almost caught on that when we say, "Yayyyy!" that she's supposed to clap. 
  • She's learning cause and effect, She'll throw her toys on the ground and wait for them to be picked up, only to do it again and again. 
  • She doesn't really like being in her swing or bouncer anymore. She doesn't like being confined when she could be go-go-going! It's kind of sad to me, since she loved both of those when she was teeny. It just means she's growing up! 
  • She still loves bath time. She has bath toys now so that makes it even more fun! I got her an inflatable bathtub since she's almost grown out of her baby bathtub but she's not quite steady enough sitting on her own to stay upright in a slippery bathtub so I'm still using the baby one for now. 
  • Her cradle cap is gone but she tends to scratch her head when she's tired so her scalp is still kind of scabby. 
  • Her blonde hair is as wild as ever and is getting long. If I brush it down over her forehead it almost covers her eyes. I'm going to see if I can put hair clips in it soon. 
  • She is very attached to me. When I come home from work, if I walk past her without picking her up, she'll throw a fit. I'll just walk to the table to put my purse down so I can pick her up and she melts down. The other day, I had to work at our other property and Ken had to pick me up. I purposely didn't go into the backseat to say hi to her because I knew if she saw me, she would start screaming in her carseat and it wouldn't make for a fun ride home. But all she had to do was hear my voice and she started crying. I had to lean over into the backseat to soothe her when we were driving. 
  • She's entered into this super whiny phase. She'll let out these grunty whines until she gets what she wants, whether it's to be picked up, fed, a toy, some puffs... It drives Ken crazy but it doesn't bug me too much, I've learned to tune it out for the most part. 
  • Ken sometimes will put the back end of her binkie in his mouth and she will almost get mad at him and reach up and pull it our of his mouth to put in her mouth. It's so funny. 
  • She blows raspberries like crazy. Her spit is always everywhere.