Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Eight months old

Miss Adelyn Grace is eight months old! Time needs to slow down! I already started looking at ideas for her first birthday and I just can't believe it. She is growing up so fast! I swear it feels like just yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital and now she's 3/4 of a year old!

Adelyn at eight months:
  • She is 18 lbs and 28 1/2 inches long.
  • She is now in size three diapers (though they are a tad big, but twos were too small) and 6-9 month clothes. 
  • She's eating more and more solids. She's warming up to fruit, she doesn't flat out refuse it anymore. Most of the time she will open her mouth to keep getting more but won't eat as much as she would if I were giving her veggies. Her favorites are sweet potatoes and butternut squash, but she really will eat just about anything. 
  • As far as real food goes, she's gotten oranges, strawberries, pineapple and bananas. We've given her lemon and pickles too, just to see her reaction, which is hilarious, because she loves them! She likes sour stuff. 
  • She's on full time formula now, with an occasional frozen breastmilk bottle, though most of the frozen stuff I have just doesn't taste right, so I'm hesitant to give it to her. I'm afraid it thawed when we moved so it's not good anymore. 
  • She's finally holding her own bottle. She's still not great at it; if I leave her completely on her own with it, she ends up squirting formula all over herself and makes quite the mess, But she's getting the hang of it.
  • I've tried giving her juice in both a sippy cup and bottle, and she doesn't seem to care for it either way. She doesn't really understand the sippy cup yet.
  • I'm officially DONE pumping. I made the decision to stop when she turned 7 months old, and it took about two weeks and it was painful as hell but I'm so glad to be done with it.
  • She's becoming less trusting of strangers and will hold her arms out to someone she knows and trusts. 
  • She can sit up really well now and can even get herself into a sitting position on her own, She can catch herself when she's falling over, even if she falls backwards, she can catch herself on her elbows and roll sideways. 
  • Her pincer grasp is awesome. She can pick up puffs or tiny pieces of fruit and get them into her mouth no problem. 
  • She has enough hair for a hairclip or ponytail! I need some practice on getting it to look cute though. 
  • She'll push your hand away if she doesn't want something you're offering her. She'll also throw things to the ground that she doesn't want. She'll even take something you're offering her and throw it to the ground in protest if she doesn't want it. 
  • She's officially grown out of her swing and bouncer. 
  • She is ALWAYS constipated. It's really frustrating.
  • She's just about crawling. She'll get up on her hands and knees and rock back and forth before lunging forward. She hasn't quite gotten the concept of the crawling motion, but she'll push herself and scoot forward and she can do it fast. Either by doing that or rolling, she can get herself all the way across the room before you even know she's gone. 
  • She babbles. She will say "mama" and "baba" but I don't think she makes the correlation as to what they are yet. Most of the time she'll just "mamamamamamamamamamama" over and over. 
  • She's out of her pack & play and sleeping in her room. I was a wreck about it the first night, but she seemed to be fine with it, as she slept almost 11 hours straight through the night. I'm still using her diaper monitor for her breathing and I have an under the mattress monitor that tracks her movements. Plus a video monitor. So I think she'll be ok, lol. #crazymommy
  • She's really good at self soothing and putting herself to sleep. When she seems tired, I'll put her in her pack & play or crib and she usually turns over and goes right to sleep. If she cries, it's only for a couple of minutes and she's out. 
  • She usually takes 3 naps a day. A short morning one and two 2-3 hour naps throughout the day. 
  • Her bedtime is still around 7:30 pm. 
  • Still only two teeth. 
  • She still has the baby eczema, mostly on her back and a bit on her face, 
  • She is really attached to me. Not that I have a problem with that. ;) 
  • She is still the happiest, sweetest baby in the world. 