Thursday, May 28, 2015

Six months old

Miss Adelyn Grace is six months old today! I can't believe she is halfway to a year already! It seems like just yesterday she was born and now she's been here for six months already?! Crazy! Time is going by way too fast!

Adelyn at six months:

  • She is 15 1/2 lbs and 27 inches long.
  • She is in size two diapers and 3-6 month clothes. There's still a few 0-3 month onesies that fit her too but the 6 month or 6-9 month clothes are a bit too big. 
  • Her sleep schedule is pretty much the same. She's sort of set her bedtime at 7:30 now. That's when she wants that bottle in her mouth so she can eat and go to sleep. Most nights she sleeps through until between 5:00 am - 6:00 am. Sometimes she fusses for her binkie once or twice but she'll fall right back asleep.
  • She's still in the Pack & Play next to the bed. I'm not sure when I'll be comfortable putting her in her own room. I like having her within arms reach of me. 
  • She's eating 5-6 oz every 3-4 hours. Her appetite is very finnicky. She is now getting cereal/food twice a day. I've tried giving her fruit/cereal in the morning and veggies/cereal at night. She loves peas, carrots and sweet potatoes. She doesn't care for squash and green beans make her throw up. She doesn't seem to like fruit; so far I've tried bananas and apples and she'll clamp her mouth shut once she realizes what's on the spoon. I think they're too sweet for her. I'll keep trying though. I still have pears and peaches to try. 
  • I am still pumping so she still gets breastmilk mostly and formula once or twice a day. 
  • She has learned how to splash in the bathtub. Her baths end up with me just as wet as her. 
  • She reaches for your face when you pick her up. She likes to feel it in her hands. Ken recently shaved his beard off and she was touching his cheeks tentatively  then started slapping his face and giggling when she realized that it was still in fact, him. 
  • Her bald spot is gone! She still sort of has a backwards mullet cause the hair on the back of her head is so short and the hair on the top of her head is super long. It's also still very blonde!
  • Her eyes are still brown, so I think they're going to stay that way. 
  • She has started clapping. I don't think she's mocking us yet quite yet but she is always clapping on her own and sometimes will do it after one of us does it. 
  • She pants like a dog when she's excited. 
  • She's super addicted to her binkie. She wants that thing in her mouth at all times and it will always calm her down. She can also get it into her mouth herself now. She'll pick it up off the bed or her mattress and put it in her own mouth without help. I suppose this may be a problem later in life but oh well. We'll cross that bridge when we get there. 
  • She blows raspberries with her mouth.
  • She's super ticklish on her neck, feet and ribs.
  • She can sit for a good period of time before she flops over. As long as there isn't something she's trying to reach for she's ok. She'll lose her balance once she reaches in any direction. 
  • She can stand without support. She'll grab onto my shirt sometimes when she's standing up and I'll let go of her (with my hands hovering around her of course) and she can hold herself upright. 
  • She also loves to sit/stand. If I pull her up into a sitting/standing position, she gets super excited and starts laughing. 
  • She can roll from both back to front and front to back. 
  • She has started wanting to be held like when she was a newborn. Sometimes when she's upset or overtired, I'll lay her on my chest so she can hear my heartbeat and she'll calm right down and fall asleep.
  • She's still for the most part, very happy. She's gotten a bit whiny the past few days and has wanted to be held constantly but I think her teeth are super close to breaking through. 
  • On that same note, still no teeth! I say every month I think they're super close and still nothing!
  • She hates being on her tummy. 
  • She likes to be included in everything. If we put her in her swing while were eating she will fuss until one of us picks her up. Then if we put her in her highchair with us at the table, she's happy as can be. 
  • She likes to slap the table on the highchair or bang her toys against it. 
  • She loves noise. Her favorite toys are the ones that crinkle or rattle. She also sleeps better with noise than with complete silence.
  • When she gets excited she will tense up her whole body and almost shake, She will also point her toes when she tenses up.