Monday, September 28, 2015

Ten months old

Miss Adelyn Grace is ten months old today! Time is just flying by and I can't believe I'm going to have a one year old soon. She is at such a fun age now and has more personality than we can keep up with!
  • She is 20lbs 10oz and 30 inches long.
  • She is still in size 3 diapers and is fitting into 6-12 month clothes, depending on the brand. Gerber stuff runs small so she fits into 12 month stuff from them; Carters runs a little bigger so she's still fitting into some 6 month stuff from them. 
  • She's still getting pureed baby food but has gotten more real food as well. She loves pancakes and scrambled eggs, but also eats bananas, french fries, macaroni and cheese, baked potatoes, ice cream, popsicles, and pineapple.She still loves squash, sweet potatoes, and pears best, and doesn't care much for anything green like peas or spinach. We tried cottage cheese which she hated. 
  • I've bought unsweetened yogurt, black beans, whole grain pasta and rice, pumpkin, real sweet potatoes and avocado that I want to give her as well but haven't gotten to it yet.
  • I've cut her daytime bottles to 4 oz each. She'll get real food or purees first and topped off with a bottle. She gets a full 7-8 oz bottle when she wakes up and before bedtime. 
  • She's still on the same sleep schedule: down by 7:00 pm - 7:30 pm and sleeps until 5:30 am. Most nights I'm lucky and get 7-8 hours of sleep with her. 
  • She's pulling herself up on everything with no problem and cruises along furniture fast. I just said to Ken last night how fast she's moving. She likes to just walk around our coffee table/ottoman over and over again. 
  • No walking yet but she can get from the couch to the ottoman in a standing position and can stand for a few seconds unassisted. 
  • She's out of her infant car seat and into a convertible one. We got the Graco 4Ever car seat that goes from an infant seat all the way to a booster for when she's older. She's still rear facing but in the second step of it. 
  • No words yet but she's starting to imitate and loves the "p" sound. She likes to say "hup!" over and over again. Still lots of syllables, "mamamamama" and "babababababa" and "dadadadadada" and I swear I've gotten her to say "yuck" but that may be my imagination. 
  • She hates having a bib on. Most of the time she will try to pull it off halfway through eating. 
  • She points at everything and will make a grasping motion when she wants something; she'll open and close her palm, kind of like she's saying "bye bye" when she wants something.
  • On that note she hasn't gotten hi or bye bye yet. Still working on that. 
  • She's getting more independent and less attached to me. She doesn't really cry for me anymore when I get home from work and will go to anyone familiar to her. She sometimes prefers Ken over me and has times where she will even cry when I try to take her. The first couple of times it happened, I was crushed, thinking she didn't love me anymore, but then realized she's just going through phases. The first time she wanted Ken over me, by the next day she was clinging to me again so I got over it pretty quick. 
  • She hates closed doors. She likes to be independent and go where she wants and if you close a door so she can't get somewhere, she gets mad. I had her at the mall the other day and we got into the elevator and when the door shut, she got so upset. 
  • She gets very clingy when she's tired, which is how I can tell she's ready for bed/naptime.
  • She's on a pretty set nap schedule. She's up by 5:30 and napping by 7:30 (which is when I get ready for work). She's usually up by 9:00 then awake for 3-4 hours and down for her afternoon nap by 12:00 - 1:00 and sleeps til 2:00 -3:00. Then she's up until bedtime. 
  • She goes down for her naps with no problem most of the time. At naptime, I put her in her crib, give her her binky and blanket and leave the room. Usually she turns over and goes right to sleep without a problem.
  • She has four teeth, two on the bottom and her two top canine teeth. She looks like a little vampire baby! She has more coming though, she's still teething like crazy. 
  • She will not. sit. still. Getting pictures of her that aren't blurry is getting more difficult. I use the burst mode on my phone and will take 400 pictures of her at a time, then I have to sift  through them to find the non blurry ones to keep and delete the rest of them. It's the only way to get a decent picture of her anymore. 
  • She's in the grown up bathtub now! No more baby bathtub. She still loves bath time, especially now that she has more freedom in the tub. 
  • She still really needs a haircut but I refuse to cut it before her first birthday. It's so long in the front and not growing at all in the back. She has a reverse mullet. I never know what to do with it! 
  • She's still very attached to her binky. She always has one in her mouth and one in her hand. I just throw like three of them into her crib so she has more than one if she needs it. 
  • She's problem solving. If I put something she wants in my hand and close it, she will pull at my fingers to open them to get to what she wants. She'll also turn toys over in her hands to figure out the best way to play with it and will push buttons on toys to make noise.
  • Her favorite toys are cell phones, water bottles, table coasters, remotes and anything that makes noise.
  • She loves peek-a-boo and laughs when I play with her feet or weirdly, ask to see her teeth. I will say, "can I see those teethers?" and she will laugh and kick her legs. 
  • She'll run from you if you come at her and say "I'm gonna get that baby!" She will turn over and start crawling away from you as fast as she can, giggling.